S52 P as Play: Coordination Chemistry of Elemental Phosphorus

Researcher Andrea Ienco, CNR-ICCOM, Italy
Professor Koop Lammertsma, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Professor Tsutomu Mizuta, Hiroshima University, Japan
Assistant Professor Kazuyuki Kubo, Hiroshima University, Japan

Keywords of the session

Black Phosphosus; White Phosphorus; Phosphorene; P-P activation

Scope of the session

Elemental phosphorus is an interesting platform for coordination chemistry. The homonuclear single P-P bond (201 kJ/mol) is the strongest in the group 5 with a typical distance of 2.22 テ. White phosphorus as cage or somewhat fragmented is well known as ligand for early and late transition metals. Recently it was being demonstrated the coordination ability against coinage metals. Also in recently years, black phosphorus and its exfoliated product, phosphorene, catches the attention of the scientific communities for their potential applications in material science as sensors. From the point of view of a coordination chemistry, a sheet of phosphorene has several phosphorus lone pairs with a well-established geometrical requirement that could be used for the surface functionalization. Metal fragments bonded to the surfaces could in principle change the properties of the material or it can be used for anchor covalently active molecules on the surface. Finally, there is also a huge interest in the coordination of elemental phosphorus because it could be a key step for the sustainable synthesis of P-C bonds without chlorinated intermediates. The goal of the session is to bring together the experimental and theoretical inorganic chemistry community that are working with elemental phosphorus and to share experiences and expertise in this area.